In Shelby County, there are 12 zip codes with total EBLL rates of 2% or higher from 2015-2022: 38017, 38104, 38105, 38106, 38107, 38108, 38109, 38112, 38114, 38122, 38126, and 38127.
Of these 12 zip codes, 8 have at least 27% of their housing structures built before 1950.
There was a statistically significant (p=0.004), moderate (r=0.46), positive correlation between Shelby County’s total 2015-2022 EBLL rates and 2021 Shelby County poverty level estimates.
In 2022, Shelby County lead screenings decreased by 23% below the 2015 total.
2022 screening rates have decreased by 15% compared to 2015.
In 2022, confirmed EBLL cases in Shelby County decreased by 31% below the 2015 total.
The 2022 lead burden in Shelby County decreased by 9% compared to 2015.